Monday, June 30, 2014

Running with Spirit is Easier than Running Alone...

Running gets placed earlier in the day when temperatures rise above 80 degrees by midmorning.  So I do more of my morning thinking at this time "on the road". Unfortunately, a lot of my inspired thought passes without being written down, and it remains jewels of precious moments between me and Mother/Father God. But below, are a few that are remembered for sharing.

One day this happened:
I switched my consciousness somehow to start running from my bones instead of my muscles. What I mean is,  when I actually thought about how my long straight leg bones hold me up as I move through space, they lengthened and I felt the need to tilt my hips and straighten up a bit. I was sensing the alignment of gravity with my bones and the muscles relaxed into an easier movement.  My little aches and pains, as I had only just started warming up, utterly went away.  I was moving through space as Mother/father God intended - effortlessly.  Action without struggle or harm.

Another day, this:
I thought to myself, what do I want to feel like as I run.  So I thought, with each 4 strides: God's re-flec-tion.  And then I added Per-fect-ly for the next 3 and left 1 step before starting in again.

God's re-flec-tion
God's re-flec-tion

I went on with that for a while and again, felt no aches or pains!  I felt good, and strong, and O.K. with the world.

And then, as I was on a roll, I added a few more phrases because of other ideas I have wanted to understand and feel with more conviction in my life.  Though it left the joy of inspired ideas running through my head later, a little like poetry trying to happen. Anyway, it went something like this:

God is Love.
God is Peace,
Only God,
In Har-mo-ny,
Is judging me.

I have wanted to, more deeply, understand how be in the world without judgment.  And if I want to let go of judgment, either from judging myself or others, or feeling the sting of being judged by others, I need to know that God's perfect Love is the only one able to caste True judgment.  Because God is the only one who fully knows what's going on with me.  And, I also happen to know/believe, God does not judge with anything but Loving thoughts (a kindness I hope to emulate).  And God does not give me anything but Peaceful, Harmonious, and True understanding in Her/His perfect Love for me - as well as all other beings in creation.

And so I continue to remind myself:

Only God,
Is judging me.

...and what will I do with this golden jewel of an opportunity awaiting me here now, and with this next moment?...and this next run?

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