We had such fun, and such a fabulous response, that you are inspiring us to take our next growth steps here at the Gnomestead! We are beginning our transition from a simple blog to an official website, where our various themes (blog, recipes, info & resources, Toad Stool Shoppe, etc.) will be more easily accessible to you. We also want to develop this space into a forum where we can invite more interactive discussion with you, our readers, about topics dear to our and your hearts: to build bridges among all the causes and values and lifestyles we believe in and link together a powerful community to advance the type of change we need in this world.
Expanding our publishing?
Our latest booklet, Kindness Counts...on the Path to Natural Living, is produced from our home, with a new color printer and lots of enthusiastic folding and stapling. We've had some inquiries about publishing short works of other like-minded folk, and we are considering what it might look like to accept some of these proposals. We could then become more of a full-service publisher of small booklets that move our communities ahead on the path to a more just, aware and sustainable world.Please keep in touch, and let us know what you think of these new ideas. If you want an email telling you when the website is complete, please send us an email at info@gnomesteading.com with the subject line "add to email list."
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