Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Can the Bunny Hop in?... or the bunny Hop out?...Why, the Bunny IS ALL ABOUT!

Crystal is thinking about how we are a part of the Earth.

The Earth... the Earth is not just the brown colored crust or, more abstractly, the blue and white marble-like sphere suspended here in this galaxy.  It is both ALL around us AND it is inside of us.  Actually, there is no way our bunny senses can actually BE outside of our worldly experience except by IMAGINING that our telescopes or magnifiers are going to find an end of our experience some day and the beginning of someTHING ...or someONE else?? Are we talking about ....about...God here?  Sort of BUNNY MIND blowing, both inside...and outside - if there IS an outside...

Crystal has been meditating upon this until her ears started to curl.  Where are we NOT?  What COULD God BE if there is no separation/boundary between us and this other that we say has created this? What if we are ALL "organic" material, like the scientists say, where the material of everything we experience and think about is unable to extract itself in order to be ABLE to see itself? What if we are trying to bump up against our boundaries to be able to define what is us and what is other (or God) and we just can't?  And what if there IS no boundary to our experience of us and we are just wasting time trying to define It/Us/All That Is? Could we use our time in totally different pursuits?  Could we be feeling and expressing our beauty and making harmonious connections with ALL OF US - a joyful joining with the universe, bunny-style?

Our planet is a real middle ground for our experience.  The Middle Way.  The Middle Earth - of Shamans and Tolkien's stories.  We are comfortable (and relatively coordinated), walking, talking, and moving through air, as we spin at around 800 MPH towards the East. We are breathing and eating, assimilating and letting go of what does not suit us anymore.

We have an emotional rhythm too.  There hasn't been a lot of time to assimilate the societal changes our country (the U.S.) has been going through.  Most of the Earth has become aware of the intense energy and discontent with what IS NOW.   This searching discontent has been sadly misguided by marketing, and greed, but the answers lie HERE within our experience. There may be no THERE...

Crystal is beginning to see how the Earth and ALL her beings are part of her consciousness BECAUSE she IS ABLE TO EXPERIENCE them. What we are able to experience with our senses is ALL part of our Middle Earth.  Even our brain synapses fire with the releasing of hormones and earthly provided ingested food stuffs.  Without them, we would be Other, which we can not define here on Middle Earth.  There are no words or description of Other that we CAN call God.  We just know LIFE FEELS...good, bad, or indifferent, but it FEELS.  And when we can relax, REALLY relax and just ALLOW, that feeling stuff oozes through us in a life-giving vibration sort of way. Crystal calls this feeling... LOVE.  Love, that treats our bodies tenderly - wonderfully.  Love that is - no judgments. Love that sees all as organic stuff of the universe.  We are meant to be HERE NOW, on our Middle Earth, boundary-less because it is/we are ALL living within Middle Earth.

  And Crystal asks.  What IS Death but Life too?  Is it but part of ALL THAT IS because there can be nothing that is other?

Falling into Winter: Our Family Goes Naturally... on...

We lost one of our family this last late summer during that horrendous heatwave.  I, Sarah, got so sad, and so restless, and so... undone, that I stopped going to that happy place to create.  Instead, I looked to the woods and Spirit inside that nature all around us to heal.  Elfie had lost her fellow canine companion, and we had all lost our pack member, Jera.
After that, I took Elfie on 1 to 2 hours hikes through the meadows and woods of New England, along Conservation trails and other public venues known to locals in this area.  And then Sherry, Elfie and I tried camping outside at the Gnomestead, and then at several State forest camp grounds before the cold of winter settled in. Eventually, Elfie got sick with tick disease(s) and our home got fleas which we were not able to nip in the bud.  So, there was work in finding the least invasive "pest" removal to the Gnomestead home and even grounds with its many furry citizens.  Yes, even the "wildlife" including the squirrels got bad cases of fleas.  And then two of those squirrels died.  One of them at the Tuft's Rescue Center where they could only guess at the cause of such a weakened state.  So, we decided to help strengthen their little vegan bodies with corn and other "backyard" seed mixes which we put on our front porch for joyful entertainment from our front window.  Elf and Sophie are still delighted, as Sherry and I are in awe of such close up acrobatics and interesting community shenanigans.
Elfie has gained her strength back from her tick disease, but we have been sticking to the sidewalks when the temperatures exceed 32 or so.  The pavement has started to jar her joints and back, so we are thrilled with sub 32 weather when we can take to the woods again.
A sling is in the works for us to travel further with Elf to soft earth or non-tick infested areas. After hiking slowed down when Elf got sick, I took to running 20 minutes or so daily before picking up Elf for her outing.  Jera had just made it a few days after her 12th birthday as now Elfie has started her 12th year recently at the end of December.  And with my strength improved, I am able to carry her further, so we shall see how her 12th year progresses without her half sister to get us out.  You see, Jera was our "nature girl".  If she had had her way, we would have been living deep in the forest with tree boughs over our heads and a nice earth dug den for cooling in summer and warming up in winter.
So, here we are, starting 2014, still hanging onto the edge of civilization... just barely.
I'm a bit more subdued in some ways these days, committed to more of the chores of an unprocessed, wholesome life here.  I may be living more "out of the loop or what others may say is even out of touch with reality" than before Jera and the squirrels moved on into Spirit,... but I feel more grounded... in Spirit now, if that makes any sense.  Welcome into what the Gnomestead is becoming... More books are on the way this year that are in the publishing stages - even e-publishing.